Tag Archives: ambelopoulia

RSPB Bird death toll on holiday island reaches one million


Check out the above Birdguides site re the slaughter of these birds.

Red Backed Shrike trapped on a Lime Pole

The above photo is one I have borrowed direct from BirdGuides Ltd  http://www.birdguides.com/webzine/article.asp?a=2945 which demonstrates one of the methods that are being used to trap and kill many, many birds. Please visit their site now, and let’s think of way that we can stop this slaughter on Cyprus. The birds are being trapped on their way migrating from Europe to Africa. The Birdguides article also explains that , RSPB Cyprus have organised a campaign to collect signatures and it is intended to be presented to Cyprus Ministers.

Apparently the birds are trapped and slaughtered to provide local restaurants with a delicacy described as ambelopoulia. I promise you when you visit the site above you will be amazed at the species that are be killed.