Well, I have been up in the Golden Valley now for 11 days, and it has rained every day! In fact when we first arrived we had snow and hail stones as well as floods.  So as you can imagine I have taken very few photos. In fact I would go as far to say that I think that Spring is about three to four weeks behind in this neck of the woods.  Birds are still nest building!  And, yesterday I saw what I believe to be a Grey Wagtail and it’s mate attempting copulation, how late is that?  The same thing in the river – which is usually 6 inches deep and was until two days ago 6 feet deep – a pair of Mallard floating down stream at about 10 knots, trying to mate.  Every time the drake jumped on her back she nearly drowned!  All this time they were coming towards me in the gloom, and they were so interested in what they were doing that they hadn’t noticed me, plus they were white water rafting!  (imagine trying to make babies the same time as you are hammering down the river at 70 mile an hour).  Anyway, I think I did the duck a favour because as they reached me they saw me he jumped off, they did a mid air spin and flew back up the river.

The Pair of Love-Birds?

I had some good news last week. The Sunday Times Magazine (on line version) did an article on ‘Litter’.  As it happened I had taken a few pics over time on litter so submitted what I thought may be suitable. I’m pleased to say they chose a photo of a black Bra that I had spotted in a wooded ‘Pull-In’ up near Tintern Abbey ruins in the Wye Valley in Wales.  It was on a Sunday morning so I guess the Bra was left there from the Saturday night before!  The mind boggles.  Check out the link to the post here:

Oh well…..let’s see what the weather is like for the next couple of days…that’s all I have left for this month in Herefordshire to get the shots on my list. Unfortunately, I am not holding out too much hope.  It’s actually pouring down as I type!!!

5 thoughts on “GOLDEN VALLEY”

    1. You’ll have to add the photo to your post I think Mark as unless you are signed up to the Sunday Times online you cannot access any articles!


    2. Ok guys, you are probably correct Helen, I’m gonna see if I get a screen grab, as the original photo is on my main computer at home and I’m working on my laptop in the Caravan. Try and post later if all goes well.
      Thank you for your comments. most appreciated.


  1. can’t get to the specific link just a general front page that is everything. HELP I do want to see your pic in the article.


  2. Sorry to hear this weather report but love the birds in flight and the story. And congrats on the litter pic. I will go and click and see if I can see it. Love incidental litter shots! Unfortunately there is a lot of litter to document. Hope the downpour eases and you can get some shots.


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